Monday 2 September 2013

Celebrating my 25th birthday: Pooja

25 and yes it's an accomplishment! a quarter ode to the century, still left, unseen! Yes I have turned 25 today. Does it feel this special to everyone or is it just me who has gone crazy? Honestly if I pour my heart out, I started festivities of my birthday with the onset of this August itself. This month had to be really special. Some girls go fanatic with another year added while other hit their QLC (quarter-life-crisis), I was in neither of the category. I was super happy with my existence of these twenty-five with my lovely family. I have no regrets. I simply cherish some sheepish incidents & happy memories.

17th August 2013, 00:00 IST- I told Mamma, Papa and Rish to sleep away as this time I didn't wanted anyone to be wide awake to wish me at 12 am. Who and why the hell this tradition of wishing birthdays at 12 am in the night started! Welcome your beautiful day with the onset of a sunrise, ray of new hope. But the western culture has gone too far in our veins. Both hands of clock meet to strike 12 and these lovely creatures pecked and cuddled me to kick start my 25th year. I told them to sleep away and I would go to bed in sometime. For I knew phone will start ringing and if I left it unattended then I will face all form of castigation for giving these people the 'POOJA attitude'. With all lovey-dovey gestures of my friends, one call after the another, email inbox flooding, facebook wall-scribbling,  I finally dozed off at 2:45 am only to wake up at 5:30 am in morning. I shouted for waking me up so early. Reprimanded to let me not sleep (the least) on my birthday. "I don't want to go to mandir, what difference it would make" (am sorry bhagwanji for saying this but I was sleepshot hit).

The day started with morning temple pooja, then back home for seeking amma-baba's blessings. I again went off to sleep but my phone didn't stopped ringing. I wanted to buy some time for myself as the same mundane event  was going to be repeated the day after. Same old story of meeting a boy and his family, then something or other would happen to stall this in between. I wonder has God made a normal guy & a family who are interested only in 'me' (for the values and intelligence ;) I'd be bringing to their family). A normal guy with good education, nice family and yeah decent looks. Honest confession- I had always thought if I would ever get married to a guy who is as genuine looking as I am, for people look at both of us, while we walk in Ballroom, to say "Ah made for each other are they". But to my dismal, off-lately, all the guys I've met in my recent past were none like this. Still all my thoughts were at backseat when I woke with my phone calls to get scolded by my F&F- friends n family "Neha kitna soyegi, moti-patli uth jaa birthday hai aaj tera". I decided to celebrate my birthday at home only. Attended calls back to back with all their lovely wishes and hours of gossips chit-chats. After then I did a mini-home spa to pamper myself with all the cosmetics & fragrances purchased from my recent UK trip. Ah indulgence I must say is heaven for every girl. 

Mom-"Pooja Have you thought what are you going to say tomorrow? I mean whatever you want to ask or tell this guy please do that. Just let him know what kind of person you are. Ask whatever you want to, we are completely okay with you."

"Momm I'll see. Aaj birthday hai mera, let me be at ease". I didn't want 'some' guy to ruin 'my' special day.  

But back at my mind I wasn't sure of what am I going to tell or ask this over-rated guy, I have to meet him tomorrow. By now I have become sure that prince charming doesn't exists. All fairy tales are sham. Though I love my hindi movies but does this love really exists! Does that romance of Shakespearre & Lawrence's novels really exists? Naah I mean in past I have made a deal with myself, real gentlemen don't exist. Hence less of expectations is key to happiness. So what difference is tomorrow going to make? Forget it Pooja enjoy your spa and sit back to the beautiful day and much beautiful life.

With this I really don't feel like meeting this guy, without much of enthusiasm. Just sit back to enjoy the day left.

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